Thursday, June 26, 2014

Where Have All The Shoelaces Gone?

     OK, I admit that I have felt that civilization has declined since the advent of Velcro straps on shoes. It used to be a sign of achievement when kids finally learned the over, under and through the circle tying of their own shoes. Making "bunny ears" with the laces was a time consuming process of getting it just right, every time. And your choice of colors was white, black or brown...period.

     So, the other day I broke a shoelace. No big deal, right?  Oh, it has become a very big deal! What did Joni Mitchell sing about..."You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone." I am now hunting the elusive shoelace.

"I want a shoelace in gray....that fits a 7 hole shoe...with gray widgets on the end of the lace..."
"Not possible?"
"OK, then can I have a pair of black laces, same requirements?"
"Can you give this to me in white?"
"Do you carry shoelaces at all?"
"Well, we have laces for boots but only in 14 hole length, but you could cut off the ends."
"Uh, I don't think so."

How about a nice pair of leather laces, square cut, that will not go through the holes in my shoes? I really am not seeing this as a solution...

OK, I will try another store - but wait, they don't carry shoelaces.

On to the third store...  OK, I see laces but they are elastic and curly and neon green. It turns out these are for kids who don't know how to tie bows and just leave them dangling.

At this point I am thinking about trying to order online but who thinks paying $5.95 for shipping is reasonable for a $3.00 pair of laces?

 I am getting desperate.

Wait, I see a pair of white laces that may be just the right length. Bingo! And I drive home (30 miles) quite content with my purchase.  Wheeeeeeeee!!!!

 Think this is the end of the Quest? Well, not really because when I get home and start to lace up my sneaks, the second lace frays and breaks as I am threading it through the eyelets!

Ah, made in China.

Why is it that shoelaces are no longer a staple item that will last forever?  Or at least for 5 yrs... Arghhhhhhhh!!!!

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