Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Laws of The Sexes

On June 30, 2014, the Robert's Court defined corporations as religious entities that could mandate healthcare for their female workers. They were joined in their suit by 71 other companies. None of the rhetoric in any of the briefs addressed men's reproductive rights. I have to ask,Why is that? I had biology a long time ago, but it included the information that an egg without a sperm to dance with was just an egg. I direct your attention to the meme above that reflects the preponderance of laws (not all of which passed) that have been generated in the Congresses of all states to regulate what women do with their bodies. UH, only women?  If we are trying to legislate reproduction, which China does on a national level, then why the absence of laws regarding those swimmers and their carriers?  Why is the focus of the law always,always on the female?

There have been numerous postulations in the media and in comments on both Right and Left sites on the interweb. Then there are the uber Christian Fundamentalist sites. (Heavy sigh.) The Hobby Lobby ruling appears to be an incredible wedge tool in that it is polarizing further the division between men and women in this country in regards to equitable treatment under the law.  I am not saying that all men refuse to acknowledge the right of women to be viewed and treated as equal under the law.  I am speaking to the men who truly, for whatever reason, do NOT see that this continued effort to legislate women's place in the world.  These are the men who do not support equal pay for equal work,who think that there is no reason to pay female executives like salaries (because CEO salaries are vastly different from non-CEO workers), who have fought against Title IX since its passage, who discount womens places in law and engineering. These are the men (and unfortunately some women) who are most vocal in calling "slut" and "whore" when an unplanned pregnancy occurs. These are the people who are so focused on the egg bearer that they cannot understand that life is what happens when you are making other plans. They discount their participation in this event, preferring to abrogate their joint responsibility (no,not a pun). This lack of clarity of responsibility just further continues the divide. Until they accept their responsibility, they will continue to craft laws penalizing women for their right to play in the same game.

Alienating either sex in the game of life is not going to end well.  Continuing to craft and pass TRAP laws just furthers the very real impression of disdain that these men evidently feel when considering their constituents. Legislating reproductive laws that only apply to women needs to be addressed in a nation wide dialogue. Women are not stupid.  We can read the writing on the wall.

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