Thursday, May 29, 2014

Take Your Money and Then Discriminate?

This is exactly why anti-discrimination laws are needed.

From:  Daily Kos user Chrislove

East Texas restaurant to gay couple: "We just don't like fags.

    This latest act of discrimination against gays has all the tact of a Sherman tank rolling through your living room. A restaurant in East Texas proudly posts this notice on their front door. I don't think "welcome" means what they think it does. I am all for businesses setting their own standards, but I think you need to be consistent in your policies. 

     That being said, I am furious over the double standard that seems to elude a lot of people as far as PDAs go. I do not mean those hand held computers, I am referencing Public Displays of Affection. Although I was truly not alive when the wheel was invented, I do adhere to most modern standards of behavior. Those standards dictate that what you pursue in the privacy of the home probably shouldn't be on public display. As a gay woman, I have spent 60+ years watching heterosexual couples lick,grope,fondle,kiss and in some places, engage in intercourse in public. And yet, while these 2 kids may have "pushed the envelope" by touching knees or hand holding, they did none of the aforementioned acts. And yet, they were told not to come back to this business. Because "they don't serve fags."

     Now, that is the right of any business, however, if you are going to discriminate, then I suggest you do that before the bill is presented and paid. It is a sad but true axiom that you can't have your cake and eat it , too. If you don't want to serve gays, then man up and put that on your door. I would be happy to avoid your establishment and take my dining dollars (or any other dollars) elsewhere. And please, don't try that tired old phase..."but some of our other customers are gay." Some of your customers black, too? Or Greek? Be open about your bigotry and discrimination.

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